Three Days of May

The month of May came, and so did spring weather, rather suddenly. April 30th had been chilly, then BAM, May happened, and it was 70 degrees and sunny. So naturally, Ellie and I emerged from our winter hibernation.


Ellie on May 1st

Ellie and I spent the first perfect three days of May out in the park across the street. Now that I’ve been through the long Buffalo winter, I don’t think I’ll ever take a sunny day for granted again, or let it pass by without going outside to enjoy it.


Ellie on May 2nd. She tried to eat the dandelion.

As for Ellie, she took her first steps in the grass (not walking by herself yet, but holding onto me). She also played in the grass for the first time, and it was marvelous to watch her experience nature in such a tactile way.


Ellie on May 3rd